What I've wasted my time on #2

As promised I am back with the weekly drops.

And since I don't have a full write up this week I'll share a list of things I've been enjoying this week.

So if you see the "What I've wasted my time on" title, you know what's going on.

Let's go.

What I'm watching

Financial Audit by Caleb Hammer.

This is a YouTube show where Caleb audit's people's finances to help them get out of debt.

Think of Dave Ramsey but for a younger generation.

The crazy part is that people come up to the show willingly. And they argue, no matter where they stand financially.

It's like watching a train wreck.

Watching this show does wonders in making me feel better about my finances. If you watch this episode you'll see what I mean.

What I'm Playing

Helldivers 2.

I'll just let this clip speak for itself.

What I'm reading

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

I'm about 70% done with the book and I have to say it's great. If you are someone who is holding back on starting something (anything). This book is worth a read.

I think I'll speak on it more when I finish it.

My current take is that it's a book made to help you fight that "Resistance" that keeps you from starting those projects.

It gives you a few ways to help you fight the fear of starting, while also providing some mindset shifts to keep you going.

I'll wrap it up here.

I hope you enjoyed at least one of these recommendations, and I'll see you next week.

Thanks for reading- OG