What I wasted my time on this week #3

Alright, you know what time it is.

Holiday weekend is almost over.

Here's some content to hold you over before you have to go back to work tomorrow.

I organized them by category to help you sort through them quicker.


For some cool 3D printed product and an amazing way to show it, watch this. It almost made me want to get a 3D printer.


As someone how has to constantly get in front of people and speak at work, this was a great watch. Definitely helps with organizing your thoughts and getting actionable advice when it comes to communicating.

If you are interested in creating, this is helpful in helping manage the toughest stage of creating -Starting. It's the one where most people fall off in, and this episode of Creator science covers it well.

Mindless Entertainment

If there's two things I love it's Japan, and Japanese cars. So here's some car ASMR.

Watching a Minecraft play-through wasn't in my plans, but somehow this was in my recommended feed. It didn't disappoint. It had been years since I watched one. However this one was enjoyable, so much so that I lost track of time and watched the whole thing.

That's all for this one, I'll catch you guys next week.

Thanks for Reading