Repair Log 001: Action, the antidote to procrastination disguised as perfectionism

Being a perfectionist is a great way to hinder your personal development.

No, i'm not saying that you shouldn't strive for quality in what you do.

What I'm saying is that you will get to a point in whatever you're working on that will take you to two paths.

1. Find a stopping point, complete the task/project and continue making progress.

2. Stop the task. Continue to "research" and think about possibilities and problems you haven't encountered yet.

If you picked #1 then you're on your way and you can stop reading here. Continue doing that and get back to me within a year and tell me all about what you've learned.

For those of you who picked #2, stay right here.

Let me be the first to tell you, don't worry about those problems. You can worry about them when you encounter them.

Assuming you're starting something from scratch, you'll need to know the basics.

Once you start, focus on continuous trial and error.

You can't finish a project without action.

That vicious cycle of research and inaction will kill any momentum you've built. It will keep you scared and preparing for a future that will never show up.

I've been guilty of this myself. Consistently

That's why I decided to stop procrastinating and went through with a project I've been thinking about for a while, which was writing and sharing on Twitter now X.

By sharing I mean, educating.

Educating a younger version of myself in hopes that it will help someone.

If you follow me currently you'll see a bunch of stuff coming out of the account, some things may resonate while others might be extremely stupid.

But I knew if I didn't just hit "post" I'd be waiting another few years just thinking about it.

To be transparent, this is what a weeks worth of consistency has gotten me.

Consistency to me is:

-3 Scheduled posts a day

-Interacting with accounts I like

-Responding to anyone who interacts with my posts

Day 1 with 86 followers. (25 October 2023)

Day 7 with 112 (1 November 2023)

Just from this i've met some cool people who've helped me with different aspects of life.

From productivity tools, to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (seriously)

I have no idea where this is going, but I've learned more in the short time doing it "wrong" than in the time I spent trying to do it "perfect".

So I'm telling you to do the same. Stop wasting time, and putting it off.

Whatever that "thing" is.

Just try it.

You'll be glad you did.

Thanks for reading- OG