Check your stats

Check your stats

Life is more like a video game than we think.

If you’ve grown up playing them, you’ll be familiar with having certain parts locked behind your characters level.

I think the same can be said for our normal lives.

If you don’t increase your skills you aren’t able to take advantage of the opportunities around you. You won’t even know they are there. That’s why we need to focus on leveling up the three main pillars in life.

Health, wealth, and wisdom.

Generally, increasing your skills in these main pillars will help you be able access better things in life.

You probably won’t be aware of this until you take a look at those who aren’t.

Or you start reflecting on your conditions before, and after you start improving in these domains.

These all tie together in one way or another. For example:

  • The healthier you are the more likely it is you’ll have more energy and will be able to work a little longer on your projects.
  • If you increase your income (Wealth) you can possible free up your time to learn more things or be with your family. Which contributes to better mental health.
  • Learning new skills (Wisdom) allows you to increase your income in different ways.

So on and so forth.

You owe it to yourself to invest in these domains so that you can level up and be able to unlock better opportunities for yourself.

Here are some creators within the three domains that I think are great starting points to start your journey.

Health Domain:

Dan Go is great at explaining the downsides of being unhealthy and provides great advice as to how to fix it.


Tom Noske has rapidly become one of my favorite creators out there. He constantly shares his process and how he achieved success in his online business.


And finally for wisdom, Dan Koe. Watching his videos changed the way I consume and view content. His videos cover personal development and always focus on growing as an individual in an ever changing landscape.

I hope these videos help you like they have helped me.

See you next week.

Thanks for reading.