Press Start Week 2/4: Planning

Press Start Week 2/4: Planning

My goal for this week was to show you guys the systems I had in place to get things done.

However after some time I have noticed the flaws in my current workflow.

The issues looked like this:

•No progress

•Running out of time

•Working on the wrong thing

•Lack of clear direction

After sitting down I realized these are tied to the same thing.

Time management, and would be extremely easy to fix with the right tools and habits. 

So the most obvious of all was to include content creation into my calendar and to stop treating it like an activity that I would “Get to when I can”.

That would fix the issue of getting busy with other tasks when I could be working on content.

The second fix was to implement Time blocking just like I do with work. Again that ties in with the calendar. The important thing is to set time up for these things or you will run into the same issue consistently.

Both time management skills are covered in detail by Red Wallace in this video.

Red breaks down getting more done with less.

Next was organizing my content tracker.

Simple tracker in Notion

I decided to make a new one in Notion using templates.

(Which I’m using to write this).

The goal was to keep it super clean, and simple. I want to use it for a full week before I come to conclusions. Although so far I think it will help.

The reason for the Content tracker was both for organization as well as task tracking. I can use the tracker to actually see what the status is for any piece of content. As well as have a somewhat central place to look at what’s going on. 

I say “somewhat central” because I will be implementing another app called Milanote into my workflow to go alongside Notion.

However my plan for Milanote is to serve as the place where I can organize/research and experiment when it comes to a piece of video content. 

The formalized version of everything should sit in Notion and all the Messy things will go in Milanote. Or at least that’s my plan. 

Here's the video that made me take a look at using Milanote for the ideation stage.

This is what inspired the use of Milanote

Below what the overall process should look like, ideally you'll an have an idea of where my head is at with this.

Capture system (shoutout to Tiago Forte)

  • Apple Notes Inbox widget
  • Small Notebook 

Those ideas will then get sorted into whatever piece of content I’m working on or saved for later

  • Notion
  • Milanote

Getting things done

  • Google Calendar 
    • Timeblocking
  • Notion Content calendar
    • Track tasks, see checklists, and execute

And finally Publishing.

That’s a high level overview of how things should flow. 

But like I said I won’t know for sure until I’ve implemented this for at least a week or two.

I’m treating this as a Version 1 and will adjust as necessary. 

And before I forget, here are the stats for this week.

No improvements.

I didn't post any video content or barely any written content so that's expected.

Thanks for keeping up with this and I'll see you next week.

Thanks for reading